Here are some tips that may help you increase the number of points that you earn from races and battles and net you more Grand Stars!
■ Try racing at 100cc (for races)!
You can earn a lot of position points if you race at 150cc, but the difficulty may get in your way of first place. It's easier to stay in the lead at 100cc, helping you net some Grand Stars!
■ Take advantage of favored course bonuses!
Drivers, karts, and gliders all have their own favored courses. When selecting your driver, kart, or glider, try choosing one that's closest to the top of the lineup. This will help you earn a lot of points throughout the race, helping you net some Grand Stars!
■ Raise those base points!
By raising the base points of your drivers, karts, and gliders, you can give yourself an advantage right out of the gate. To raise base points, all you have to do is race!
There are other ways to increase the number of points that you earn, including the use of items and timing of combos. For more tips, check out the Tips & Tricks.